Monday, May 11, 2015

May 10th and Acknowledgements

Greetings from the United States of America! On May 10th, the group made a smooth transition from Italy to Germany to the USA. We very much enjoyed the lack of flight delays!

Our 125th Anniversary Tour has been irreplaceable, filled with experiences turned memories which span the spectrum of tears to laughs, and everything in between. Each of the places we had the opportunity of experiencing, all of the people we had the good fortune of meeting, and every bit of knowledge we have gained along the way (culturally, vocally, musically, personally, and so much more) has strengthened the group, individually and collectively. We report with confidence that we return to the United States a stronger, wiser, and more capable group of young professionals.
The University of Pittsburgh Men's Glee Club would like to extend sincere thanks to each of the many individuals who made this incredible quasquicentennial adventure possible. Below is a list of these individuals (in no particular order):

- Dr. Richard Teaster, for his invaluable guidance and education, both personally and vocally.
- Elisabetta, Patrick, Dan, and Joachim of Global Educational Tours, who were pivotal in our overarching Tour management, planning, and organization.
- Our alumni, who provided support and organizational assistance in putting our adventure together.
- The families of our singers, without whom not one piece of our music would be possible.
- Our newly graduated vocalists, to whom we wish all the best as they enter new and exciting parts of their lives (we encourage them to remain involved as alumni of this exemplary vocal ensemble).
- All of the churches, organizations, hotels, hostels, and families who hosted the group during Tour.
- Everyone who supported the organization and conduction of this Tour (financially, emotionally, or otherwise) in any and every manner.

 (A picture of the group in Grado.)

Once more, we thank you deeply for your ongoing interest and support. We look forward to seeing you at our concerts and fundraising events in the coming years (for more information regarding dates and times, please visit 
Thanks for checking in! Arrivederci!

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